Saturday 28 January 2017


Billboard Apple App Store/Google Play Store Icon

I created my Apple App Store and Google Play Store icons by emulating real ones. This was to make sure my billboard was fully created by me, and that I had not used online images.

I did this by drawing the logos by hand, and then scanning them into Adobe Photoshop. In Adobe Photoshop I was able to rectify any mistakes I created on the paper such as, drawing out the line. In Adobe Photoshop I was also able to contrast my lines in order to make the image much more sharper. To create the rest of my icon I used Adobe InDesign, this software was very easy to use as I had sufficient knowledge on how to programme it. I spent extensive amount of time finding the correct font, that is most similar to the real App icons. For the Apple App Store Icon I used the font 'Calibri (Body). For the line 'Get it on' and 'play', on the Google Play Store I used Adobe Fan Heiti Std B, and for the line that reads 'Google' I have used the font 'Adobe Devanagari'.

Radio Advertisement - Improvements

After recording and producing my radio advertisement, with my voice, I was very happy with it. I believed the production and editing sounded very professional and realistic. However, a feedback note I was receiving a number of times, by my peers and other people I played my radio ad too, was that my voice did not sound like the common voices used in real life radio ads. After listening to my radio ad a number of times, I started to agree. My voice sounded very joyless. When researching radio advertisements I discovered that many real life ads use adults (mainly female) 25+ to perform their script. After noting the feedback, I made sure I would improve my piece. I asked my sister to perform my script. Immediately, my ad sounded much more realistic and joyful.

My original radio ad -

My improved radio ad -

Thursday 26 January 2017

Billboard - Location

To make my billboard very prominent and noticeable, I would like it to be displayed in many different locations. One particular place is outside news agents around Bristol. I believe this would be a good location, as people will already be entering the news agent, they will be intrigued and feel inclined to purchase the paper. Other locations would be in local supermarkets and on the side of infrastructures.
I think also having my advert displayed on the side of transportation would be very beneficial in terms of people seeing it and being interested. It is very common for local transportation to be advertising local businesses.

Radio Advertisement

Where? When?
As the target audience for my local newspaper is people who reside in Bristol, I would have my radio advertisement broadcasted on Bristol radio stations such as Heart FM, BBC West/BBC Radio Bristol, and Southsound Radio. As these are all radio stations that are only concerning the local area, Bristol, it is very realistic that they contain adverts for local companies.
I would have my radio advertisement broadcasted during the morning hours, this is because this is the most common time people purchase newspapers, People mainly purchase newspapers in the morning as it can inform them on how the day will manifest, as local newspapers usually contain information regarding road closures, weather, events etc.

I created my radio advertisement on Apple iMovie. I decided to use this software as it was readily available and was fairly simple to use. For the background music I used a song that is already programmed into iMovie, 'Playful'. I decided on using an already built in song, as it means these have no copyright restrictions. I chose Playful as it is very joyful and catchy, this is very important in terms of creating a radio advertisement, as it gives connotations of happy and bright.
Using iMovie, I was able to manipulate different parts of my radio ad, such as the volume of the speech and background music. After gaining feedback from my audience, I discovered my background music was much too loud, to resolve this issue I did more manipulations to my radio advertisements, such as having a 'fade in' and 'fade out' effect.
My radio advertisement is precisely 25 seconds long. After doing immense research into radio adverts in general I discovered this is the most typical length. I decided to follow this convention as it not only makes my radio ad seem as realistic as possible, but it also does not lose listeners interest.
By following the conventions of real radio advertisements, I have produced an ancillary that is very realistic.

This is the script that will be spoken during my radio advertisement. 

"Do you want to be kept up to date with the latest news in Bristol? Would you like to know important events happening in your city? For only 45p you can pick up a copy of Bristol’s greatest newspaper Bristol Bulletin! It is available at most news agents, OR you can download our new mobile application for free and have a chance of winning £1000 worth of apple products! Don’t miss out."

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Billboard Advert Mock-up

When creating my billboard this will be the structure/layout I will follow. I am very happy with this design as I feel it follows the typical conventions of real billboards. I will include information regarding the Bristol Bulletin website and the new Bristol Bulletin App. I will also include information on the promotion of 'Winning £2500 worth of Apple products if you download the new mobile application', as this is a promotion I have advertised in my radio ad and newspaper front page it creates synergy. Creating synergy is a very common thing real local newspapers do, as the repetition can become very memorable, which is a very easy way to make viral promotion. I believe all these elements will create a realistic, effective billboard.