Wednesday 5 October 2016

Inside Page - Layout

Inside pages - layout from rumelrahman

A feature I am repeatedly seeing in newspapers, is their effective use of a colour scheme. We can see this is also the case for local newspapers, as the examples in my SlideShare use this convention. This is done for the desire of aesthetically pleasing the readers. A difference between the two examples I have given is the level of text. The second page of the North Somerset Times is featured with little text and very large images, whereas Wandsworth Guardian is featured heavily with text, which may show how informative the two papers are. Making sure the subtitles are apparent and noticeable is a convention used in both the North Somerset Times and the Wandsworh Guardian, however the way this is done is noticeably different. To make their subtitles stand out, North Somerset Times has used a different font colour, and Wandsworh Guardian has presented their subtitles in bold, uppercase letters. The fact Wandsworh Guardian has used a more formal approach to producing a newspaper, maybe a reflection of their register. 

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