Monday 10 October 2016

Masthead - Logo Analysis

Masthead Logo's are a new way of expressing locality, within the name. As this is a very modern feature, it is a reflection on technological advances as we now have the opportunity to explore different methods and different types of graphology. The use of logos is not very common and almost only occurs on local newspapers. One reason national newspapers such as The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph, do not feature logos is because their news is relevant to the entire country and the most common use of a logo is to express their location. Another reason they may not feature logos, is some people may perceive them to be less 'professional' and less formal.

The Evening Post logo is an outline image of a ship sailing on water. The editors of Evening Post have chosen this logo for their newspaper, as their content concerns news only relevant to Bristol, a city which is known for their maritime history. Having a logo which resembles an important part of Bristol's past, helps people know immediately the location of the newspaper, it also reinforces a sense of community within the residents.

Essex Chronicle, is a local newspaper that only concerns information on Essex, their logo is an image of the Union Jack flag. The Union Jack has connotations of unity, due to it becoming of existence as the national flag following the Treaty of Union. Which combined England, Scotland and Wales. Using this image, can be an engaging feature to the readers as it can make them feel very patriotic. It's also a symbolic image, known all across the world.

The Daily Post North Wales features the famous welsh dragon. Similarly to the Essex Chronicle's logo, the editors have decided to use their own flag in their masthead as it immediately inform readers where the news concerns. The red dragon is used to resemble all things Welsh and it is used by many Welsh institutions, such as their own government. Having an image which is also used on other products and institution, can build an instant connection between them, which in a result will promote their newspaper. The North Wales Daily Post is relatively new as it only started in 2003. so including a symbolic image in their logo, can make readers believe their newspaper is historic. And readers are more likely to trust and rely on well established publications.

In my piece I will make sure to include an effective logo, which reflects the locality of Bristol. As the majority of publications use images which resembles important history to the area, I will make sure I create a logo, which the residents of Bristol, will understand and resonate to.

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