Thursday 13 October 2016

Positioning of Stories

From my in-depth research into how newspapers position their stories I have noticed a number of conventions. One very important convention is ordering their most important stories to least important stories. A convention which is done to immediately grab the readers attention. However, a number of tabloid newspapers such as The Sun and The Daily Mail often get criticism for having not so important stories as their main article, and 'important' stories somewhere within the paper. On the front page the main story will usually have a brief description on what it entails, and a few opening paragraphs, which is then followed by jump-line in order for readers to quickly navigate to their chosen article if wished to carry on reading.

The middle proportion will usually feature text which are deemed to be less important, This will include small events.

The back section of a newspaper will include leisure texts such as sports, horoscopes, word-searchers and crossword puzzles, which are merely placed there for readers pleasure.

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