Tuesday 6 December 2016


After deciding on what stories and adverts I will be using in my local newspaper, I created a plan on what, and where to take my images.

This is a list of the stories and adverts I will be using, with a description of the image I will be using to present them:

-'Suspension Bridge is closing down' - I will go to an easily accessible area to take a wide shot image of the Suspension Bridge and its surroundings.

- 'Homeless man becomes a global successful musician' - For this image I will either go to a location which I know has many homeless people and ask their permission to take an image. Or ask one of my friends to pretend to be homeless, with the use of 'mise-en-scene' to make it look as realistic as possible.

- 'Criminal Pair' - I will take a high angle shot from above, to make it look as if it was photographed from a CCTV camera.

- Furniture advert - I will take an image of my furniture, and then manipulate it.

- Conservatory advert - I will take an image of my conservatory, and then manipulate it.

- Property for sale advert - I will take images of the location

Photographing the Suspension Bridge, was much more difficult than I anticipated. I went a variety of areas, in order to take a successful image, but I was mostly dissatisfied with the results. I also faced challenges such as making sure weather visibility was clear, as some of my images had a lot of noise. After carefully critiquing my own images, I whittled down to just 5 different options.

They were all taken in a location much further from the bridge, but I knew I would be able to crop down my images and not sacrifice quality, as I used a camera with a high megapixel count. After further critiquing my images, I settled with the second image, this is because I believe it to have much more clarity compared to the other images, and it also was the most easy to crop. After cropping the image to just the Suspension Bridge, I was very happy with the results.

Taking an image to represent my homeless man story was much more easier than I anticipated. I went to Bristol Bear Pit, where I met a homeless man, and after asking his permission, he allowed me to photograph him sitting down playing his guitar. I am very happy with the result of this image, as it is not only authentic to the real representation, but it also fits my story article perfectly, as he was playing an instrument. Having an image of a real homeless man, also made it easier for me, as I did not have to ask my friend to dress up. I am also very pleased with this image, as it is a very successful close-mid shot, this is a shot type that is often used in newspapers.

For my criminal pair story, my plan was to take a photo of a large crowd in a busy shop. This proved to be very difficult, as on many occasions I could not get higher enough to take a high-angle shot. However, after many attempts I managed to take the perfect image. I was on the second floor of Cabot Circus Shopping Centre in Bristol, and I took the image of a shop below.

As I knew this story was not going to be a main story, I decided to crop the image to a very small size. I then began the manipulate the image to the style I was happy with. To do this, I used Adobe Photoshop, in this application I was able to grey-scale my image, to make it look as if it was taken from a CCTV camera, and I was able to change the shape. I changed the shape to a circle, I gained this influence from the 'Bristol Post', on many of their small articles, they include images in different shapes. This is done as it makes the layout look more attractive.

 For my flat property advert images, my plan was take a panoramic image of Bristol City Centre. This proved to be fairly simple, as all I had to do was go up a very large car park and take images.

The three images I took were all very similar, so I just decided on the image I felt had a higher quality.

For my conservatory advert, I took two images of my conservatory from different angles. I was influenced from an advert I saw in the 'Bath Chronicles', they had a wide range of angles of the same home extension to show its detail.

I was not pleased with the images I had taken, as the moss and other factors made the conservatory look very unattractive. To rectify the images, instead of taking new ones, I edited my two images on Adobe Photoshop. I removed the unappealing green-tone in the gutters, by using the paint tool to change it to the surrounding colour, which made my images look significantly better. I then increased the brightness and made other adjustments, in order to make it a much more captivating to the readers.

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