Tuesday 6 December 2016


After thoroughly researching local newspapers, I discovered a large majority of them include a logo, that is significant to their location, in their masthead. The logo's were mostly black cartoon-esque visuals of buildings or other figures, that the location was historically known for. I will be using a logo in my newspaper, as it will make my final piece look as realistic as possible, and as attractive as possible.

As I decided in the beginning of my planning that I will be setting out my local newspaper in Bristol, I decided to conduct some research on the icons that Bristol is historically known for. An advantage of mine was that I have lived in Bristol my entire life, so I am very familiar with what the residents of Bristol deem to be iconic. Some of my ideas were, SS Great Britain, the Suspension Bridge, and Cabot Tower.

I decided I will be using the Suspension Bridge. This is because I believe people who see the logo will immediately know who and what the newspaper is representing. Whereas, the other 2 are not as easily as identifiable to be related to Bristol.

My idea was to draw out an image of the bridge and then scan it in, this was the result:
 I was dissatisfied with the results, as the black was much more washed out than anticipated.

 My plan was to improve the image quality by manipulating it in Adobe Photoshop. I contrasted the image, made the brightness much lower and cropped it, the results were much better. However, I was still not totally happy with it. It still looked very amateur, and not the quality you would expect to see in a real local newspaper.

So, I believed my only method of improvement was to not digitally enhance my image, but to adjust the physical copy. I went over the lines I drew with a thick felt tip marker, and then scanned the image in. The result was a much higher improvement, it looked much more professional and realistic. I am much more happy with my masthead logo now as it is now easily recognisable to what I was attempting to show.

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