Tuesday 6 December 2016

Story planning

I have created a mind-map illustrating my different story ideas, which I may include in my newspaper. I have attempted to come up with a variety of ideas, that from my research, I feel would be appropriate to include into a local newspaper, 

The stories I will be using in my newspaper are - 



'Is This Really The End of Brunel's Suspension Bridge?'
After many years of faults, and unreliable reports. Bristol City Council, has finally announced to close the beloved suspension bridge, permanently.
It was first announced in 2011, that the Council, deemed the bridge to be ‘unsafe for the amount of traffic that travels through it daily’. After this report was published, the council spent over 2 years, reinforcing the existing structure, whilst also attempting to develop more support. With such a unique and complex formation, their plans to rebuild, ended unsuccessfully.
The council is fully aware, that many people rely on the bridge, in order to get in and out of the city. So they have announced they are looking to create a new bridge, in the same location. They will demolish and develop a brand new design.

'From Living in Bristol’s Bear Pit, To Living in a Lavish Apartment in Chelsea, London!'
From Aug 2014 to March 2015 Erik Payseur was living in a 2-man tent in Bristol’s Bear Pit. Whether it be night or day, cold or hot, Erik was always there busking for money. 
He was made homeless in 2014, due to his deranged partner committing suicide. Not being able to afford rent, Erik lost his house and become redundant. He believed he was destined for misfortune. His life was turned upside-down on new years eve. Lyor Cohen the founder of ‘300 Entertainment’ record label, was in Bristol, as one of his artist, Rejjie Snow, He came across Erik singing a cover of Archy Marshall’s song ‘Out Getting Ribs’. We spoke to Lyor and he said ‘I decided to go for a walk in Bristol, as I had never been there before and what I found was something magical. Erik, was sat there singing . I was so taken back by his vocals, as I can honestly say I had never heard anything like that. I knew immediately. I has to sign him.’
This was the turning point in Erik’s life. Just two weeks later, Lyor and the other members of ‘300 Entertainment’. helped house Erik. He was now living in a shared flat in South London. He was introduced to the other artists and he became close friends with a singer named Jamie Isaac, 4 months after their initial meeting, they recorded a single together named ‘Last Drip’.  It was a national success, just two days after the release, it was announced it was the ‘Number 1 Single Downloaded’ song of the month. Erik’s sudden fortune, enabled him, to buy his own property, in one of the most affluent parts of the country. Erik, is now recording his first full length LP, in Metropolis Studios.

'Know This Couple?'
POLICE are looking for this couple in connection to a string of petty thefts. They were captured  on CCTV months ago, stealing goods from WHSmith, and last week Smiggle, a children's toy shop in Cabot Circus, recorded the devious couple purloining expensive toys. They have been described as both being white and in their late 40s.
Crimestoppers: 0800 666 222

'We Need Your Books!'
Over 1000 books were damaged in the fire that happened at Bristol Sea Mill’s library on Tuesday afternoon. The fire was ignited after a librarian, used a faulty coffee machine, which triggered a fuse to explode. 
On Friday 18th Nov (9AM - 1PM), there will be a fundraiser event, located in Sea Mills park. It will entail cake sales, face painting and music, with all the money raised going directly to help reconstruct the library. There will also be opportunities, to donate books and other non-financial aids.

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